Model:resource-gathering v.2 (MDP)
Parameter(s)B = 1300, GOLD_TO_COLLECT = 100, GEM_TO_COLLECT = 100
Property:prgoldgem (prob-reach-step-bounded)
Invocation (specific)
./fix-syntax ./prism --javamaxmem 11g resource-gathering.prctl --property prgoldgem -const B=1300,GOLD_TO_COLLECT=100,GEM_TO_COLLECT=100 -sparse
Select best engine
Return code:0
Relative Error:5.727704752942418e-15

Date: Tue Dec 11 01:18:58 CET 2018
Hostname: qcomp2019
Memory limits: cudd=1g, java(heap)=1g
Command line: prism --javamaxmem 11g resource-gathering.pm_fixed resource-gathering.prctl_fixed --property prgoldgem -const 'B=1300,GOLD_TO_COLLECT=100,GEM_TO_COLLECT=100' -sparse

Parsing model file "resource-gathering.pm_fixed"...

Parsing properties file "resource-gathering.prctl_fixed"...

3 properties:
(1) "expgold": R{"rew_gold"}max=? [ C<=B ]
(2) "expsteps": R{"time_reward"}min=? [ F "success" ]
(3) "prgoldgem": Pmax=? [ F<=B "success" ]

Type:        MDP
Modules:     robot goldcounter gemcounter 
Variables:   gold gem attacked x y required_gold required_gem 


Model checking: "prgoldgem": Pmax=? [ F<=B "success" ]
Model constants: GOLD_TO_COLLECT=100,GEM_TO_COLLECT=100,B=1300

Building model...
Model constants: GOLD_TO_COLLECT=100,GEM_TO_COLLECT=100,B=1300

Computing reachable states...

Reachability (BFS): 1215 iterations in 0.75 seconds (average 0.000621, setup 0.00)

Time for model construction: 0.781 seconds.

Type:        MDP
States:      958894 (1 initial)
Transitions: 3325526
Choices:     3080702

Transition matrix: 898 nodes (4 terminal), 3325526 minterms, vars: 23r/23c/4nd

Prob0A: 1203 iterations in 1.15 seconds (average 0.000953, setup 0.00)

yes = 94, no = 0, maybe = 958800

Computing probabilities...
Engine: Sparse

Building sparse matrix... [n=958894, nc=3080400, nnz=3325200, k=4] [41.9 MB]
Creating vector for yes... [7.3 MB]
Allocating iteration vectors... [2 x 7.3 MB]
TOTAL: [63.9 MB]

Starting iterations...
Iteration 320 (of 1300): 5.01 sec so far
Iteration 641 (of 1300): 10.02 sec so far
Iteration 963 (of 1300): 15.03 sec so far
Iteration 1286 (of 1300): 20.04 sec so far

Iterative method: 1300 iterations in 20.80 seconds (average 0.015567, setup 0.56)

Value in the initial state: 0.6630608525241822

Time for model checking: 21.982 seconds.

Result: 0.6630608525241822 (value in the initial state)

Overall running time: 23.324 seconds.