Model:zeroconf-pta v.1 (PTA)
Parameter(s)T = 200
Property:deadline (prob-reach-time-bounded)
Invocation (specific)
./fix-syntax ./prism --javamaxmem 11g zeroconf-pta.prism zeroconf-pta.props --property deadline -const T=200 
Use default settings
Return code:0
Note(s):Correctness of result is not checked because no reference result is available.

Date: Tue Dec 11 01:56:58 CET 2018
Hostname: qcomp2019
Memory limits: cudd=1g, java(heap)=1g
Command line: prism --javamaxmem 11g zeroconf-pta.prism zeroconf-pta.props --property deadline -const T=200

Parsing model file "zeroconf-pta.prism"...

Parsing properties file "zeroconf-pta.props"...

2 properties:
(1) "deadline": Pmax=? [ F<=T s=2&ip=2 ]
(2) "incorrect": Pmax=? [ F s=2&ip=2 ]

Type:        PTA
Modules:     sender environment 
Variables:   s probes ip x e y 


Model checking: "deadline": Pmax=? [ F<=T s=2&ip=2 ]
Property constants: T=200

Building PTA...

PTA: 2 clocks, 23 locations, 26 transitions
Target (s=2&ip=2) satisfied by 3 locations.
Modifying PTA to encode time bound from property...
New PTA: 3 clocks, 24 locations, 33 transitions

Building initial STPG...

Building forwards reachability graph... 811 states
Graph constructed in 0.066 secs.
Graph: 811 symbolic states (1 initial, 22 target)

Model checking STPG...
STPG model checked in 0.063 secs.
747/811 states converged.
Diff across 1 initial state: 4.2204046560609214E-5
Lower/upper bounds for 1 initial state: 0.0011793378874436382 - 0.0012215419340042475
Max diff over all states: 1.0
4 refineable states.

Refinement 1...
4 states successfully refined in 0.004 secs.
14+0=14 states of STPG rebuilt in 0.0 secs.
New STPG has 815 states.

Model checking STPG...
STPG model checked in 0.021 secs.
755/815 states converged.
Diff across 1 initial state: 4.2204046560609214E-5
Lower/upper bounds for 1 initial state: 0.0011793378874436382 - 0.0012215419340042475
Max diff over all states: 0.19
6 refineable states.

Refinement 2...
4 states successfully refined in 0.004 secs.
12+0=12 states of STPG rebuilt in 0.0 secs.
New STPG has 819 states.

Model checking STPG...
STPG model checked in 0.013 secs.
763/819 states converged.
Diff across 1 initial state: 4.2204046560609214E-5
Lower/upper bounds for 1 initial state: 0.0011793378874436382 - 0.0012215419340042475
Max diff over all states: 0.19
4 refineable states.

Refinement 3...
4 states successfully refined in 0.003 secs.
12+0=12 states of STPG rebuilt in 0.0 secs.
New STPG has 823 states.

Model checking STPG...
STPG model checked in 0.012 secs.
771/823 states converged.
Diff across 1 initial state: 4.2204046560609214E-5
Lower/upper bounds for 1 initial state: 0.0011793378874436382 - 0.0012215419340042475
Max diff over all states: 0.03610000000000001
4 refineable states.

Refinement 4...
4 states successfully refined in 0.003 secs.
14+0=14 states of STPG rebuilt in 0.0 secs.
New STPG has 827 states.

Model checking STPG...
STPG model checked in 0.014 secs.
779/827 states converged.
Diff across 1 initial state: 4.2204046560609214E-5
Lower/upper bounds for 1 initial state: 0.0011793378874436382 - 0.0012215419340042475
Max diff over all states: 0.006859000000000001
6 refineable states.

Refinement 5...
4 states successfully refined in 0.004 secs.
12+0=12 states of STPG rebuilt in 0.0 secs.
New STPG has 831 states.

Model checking STPG...
STPG model checked in 0.013 secs.
787/831 states converged.
Diff across 1 initial state: 4.2204046560609214E-5
Lower/upper bounds for 1 initial state: 0.0011793378874436382 - 0.0012215419340042475
Max diff over all states: 0.006859000000000001
4 refineable states.

Refinement 6...
4 states successfully refined in 0.002 secs.
10+0=10 states of STPG rebuilt in 0.0 secs.
New STPG has 835 states.

Model checking STPG...
STPG model checked in 0.014 secs.
795/835 states converged.
Diff across 1 initial state: 4.2204046560609214E-5
Lower/upper bounds for 1 initial state: 0.0011793378874436382 - 0.0012215419340042475
Max diff over all states: 0.0013032100000000004
2 refineable states.

Refinement 7...
2 states successfully refined in 0.002 secs.
6+0=6 states of STPG rebuilt in 0.0 secs.
New STPG has 837 states.

Model checking STPG...
STPG model checked in 0.013 secs.
799/837 states converged.
Diff across 1 initial state: 4.2204046560609214E-5
Lower/upper bounds for 1 initial state: 0.0011793378874436382 - 0.0012215419340042475
Max diff over all states: 6.516050000000002E-4
2 refineable states.

Refinement 8...
2 states successfully refined in 0.001 secs.
7+0=7 states of STPG rebuilt in 0.0 secs.
New STPG has 839 states.

Model checking STPG...
STPG model checked in 0.014 secs.
803/839 states converged.
Diff across 1 initial state: 4.2204046560609214E-5
Lower/upper bounds for 1 initial state: 0.0011793378874436382 - 0.0012215419340042475
Max diff over all states: 6.516050000000002E-4
3 refineable states.

Refinement 9...
3 states successfully refined in 0.002 secs.
9+0=9 states of STPG rebuilt in 0.0 secs.
New STPG has 842 states.

Model checking STPG...
STPG model checked in 0.014 secs.
809/842 states converged.
Diff across 1 initial state: 4.2204046560609214E-5
Lower/upper bounds for 1 initial state: 0.0011793378874436382 - 0.0012215419340042475
Max diff over all states: 5.864445000000004E-4
3 refineable states.

Refinement 10...
3 states successfully refined in 0.003 secs.
10+0=10 states of STPG rebuilt in 0.0 secs.
New STPG has 845 states.

Model checking STPG...
STPG model checked in 0.015 secs.
815/845 states converged.
Diff across 1 initial state: 4.2204046560609214E-5
Lower/upper bounds for 1 initial state: 0.0011793378874436382 - 0.0012215419340042475
Max diff over all states: 5.278000499999999E-4
4 refineable states.

Refinement 11...
4 states successfully refined in 0.003 secs.
12+0=12 states of STPG rebuilt in 0.0 secs.
New STPG has 849 states.

Model checking STPG...
STPG model checked in 0.015 secs.
823/849 states converged.
Diff across 1 initial state: 4.2204046560609214E-5
Lower/upper bounds for 1 initial state: 0.0011793378874436382 - 0.0012215419340042475
Max diff over all states: 3.1404102975000035E-4
4 refineable states.

Refinement 12...
3 states successfully refined in 0.003 secs.
10+0=10 states of STPG rebuilt in 0.0 secs.
New STPG has 852 states.

Model checking STPG...
STPG model checked in 0.015 secs.
839/852 states converged.
Diff across 1 initial state: 2.5755289952371927E-5
Lower/upper bounds for 1 initial state: 0.0011957866440518755 - 0.0012215419340042475
Max diff over all states: 3.1404102975000035E-4
2 refineable states.

Refinement 13...
2 states successfully refined in 0.002 secs.
7+0=7 states of STPG rebuilt in 0.0 secs.
New STPG has 854 states.

Model checking STPG...
STPG model checked in 0.015 secs.
843/854 states converged.
Diff across 1 initial state: 2.5755289952371927E-5
Lower/upper bounds for 1 initial state: 0.0011957866440518755 - 0.0012215419340042475
Max diff over all states: 2.3751002250000015E-4
2 refineable states.

Refinement 14...
2 states successfully refined in 0.002 secs.
6+0=6 states of STPG rebuilt in 0.0 secs.
New STPG has 856 states.

Model checking STPG...
STPG model checked in 0.014 secs.
846/856 states converged.
Diff across 1 initial state: 1.7530911648253175E-5
Lower/upper bounds for 1 initial state: 0.0012040110223559943 - 0.0012215419340042475
Max diff over all states: 2.1375902025000003E-4
2 refineable states.

Refinement 15...
1 states successfully refined in 0.001 secs.
3+0=3 states of STPG rebuilt in 0.0 secs.
New STPG has 857 states.

Model checking STPG...
STPG model checked in 0.015 secs.
848/857 states converged.
Diff across 1 initial state: 1.7530911648253175E-5
Lower/upper bounds for 1 initial state: 0.0012040110223559943 - 0.0012215419340042475
Max diff over all states: 1.0687951012500001E-4
2 refineable states.

Refinement 16...
1 states successfully refined in 0.0 secs.
3+0=3 states of STPG rebuilt in 0.0 secs.
New STPG has 858 states.

Model checking STPG...
STPG model checked in 0.015 secs.
858/858 states converged.
Diff across 1 initial state: 0.0
Lower/upper bounds for 1 initial state: 0.0012215419340042475 - 0.0012215419340042475

Initial STPG: 811 states (1 initial), 1192 transitions, 848 choices, 793 choice sets, p1max/avg = 2/0.98, p2max/avg = 2/1.07
Final STPG: 858 states (1 initial), 1307 transitions, 916 choices, 848 choice sets, p1max/avg = 3/0.99, p2max/avg = 3/1.08

Terminated after 16 refinements in 0.51 secs.

Abstraction-refinement time breakdown:
* 0.15 secs (29.1%) = Building initial STPG
* 0.00 secs (0.0%) = Rebuilding STPG (16 x avg 0.00 secs)
* 0.30 secs (58.3%) = model checking STPG (17 x avg 0.02 secs) (lb=53.1%) (prob0=27.5%) (pre=89.8%) (iters=404)
* 0.04 secs (7.7%) = refinement (16 x avg 0.00 secs)

Final diff across 1 initial state: 0.0
Final lower/upper bounds for 1 initial state: 0.0012215419340042475 - 0.0012215419340042475

Model checking completed in 0.57 secs.

Result (maximum probability): 0.0012215419340042475

Overall running time: 0.921 seconds.