
Model:zeroconf-pta v.1 (PTA)
Parameter(s)T = 200
Property:incorrect (prob-reach)
Invocation (specific)
mono mcsta/mcsta.exe zeroconf-pta.jani --props incorrect -E T=200 --relative-width -O out.txt Minimal --unsafe -S Memory --chainopt
Settings specific for this benchmark: '--unsafe' = compile model without bounds and assignment checks, '-S Memory' = store all data in memory since the model is small, '--chainopt' = use state chain compression during state space exploration, which tends to work well for PTA and unbounded properties.
Return code:0
Relative Error:3.9380212312683267e-07
zeroconf-pta.jani:model: info: zeroconf-pta is a PTA model.
zeroconf-pta.jani: info: Need 9 bytes per state.
zeroconf-pta.jani: info: Explored 198 states for T=200.

Peak memory usage: 46 MB
Analysis results for zeroconf-pta.jani
Experiment T=200

+ State space exploration
  State size:  9 bytes
  States:      198
  Transitions: 316
  Branches:    341
  Rate:        5657 states/s
  Time:        0.0 s

+ Property incorrect
  Probability: 0.00130151334159124
  Bounds:      [0.00130151334159124, 1]
  Time:        0.0 s

  + Value iteration
    Final error: 5.93408306744745E-07
    Iterations:  26
    Time:        0.0 s