
Model:philosophers v.1 (CTMC)
Parameter(s)N = 20, TIME_BOUND = 1
Property:MaxPrReachDeadlockTB (prob-reach-time-bounded)
Invocation (specific)
mono modes/modes.exe philosophers.20.jani --props MaxPrReachDeadlockTB -E TIME_BOUND=1 --width 1e-3 --relative-width -O out.txt Minimal --unsafe --max-run-length 0 --timeout 1680 
Settings specific for this benchmark: '--unsafe' = compile model without bounds and assignment checks, '--max-run-length 0' = do not impose a limit on the maximum length of a simulation run (which is anyway more of a model debugging feature), '--timeout 1680' = stop after 28 minutes of simulation and return the estimate at that point even if the desired confidence is not yet met.
Return code:0
Note(s):The tool result '648193608535193/100000000000000000000' is tagged as incorrect. The reference result is 'OrderedDict([('lower', 6.320794925e-06), ('upper', 6.320994925e-06)])' (approx. OrderedDict([('lower', 6.320794925e-06), ('upper', 6.320994925e-06)])) which means a relative error of '0.025461365222015225' which is larger than the goal precision '0.001'.
Relative Error:0.025461365222015225
philosophers.20.jani:model: info: Philosophers20 is a CTMC model and will be simulated as an MA.
philosophers.20.jani: info: Using default value of 0.95 for the confidence parameter.

Peak memory usage: 69 MB
Analysis results for philosophers.20.jani
Experiment TIME_BOUND=1.0
Status:          Timeout (1680 s)
Simulation time: 1680.0 s

+ Property Property "MaxPrReachDeadlockTB"
  Estimated probability: 6.48193608535193E-06
  Runs used:             29003680
  Run type:              MA
  Status:                Timeout

  + Error bounds
    Statement: Aborted: no error bounds